How tot de-stress?
How can you ensure that you keep balance and not get stressed? There are a number of pillars for this, which I like to share as a medium and stress counselor.
There is fear under stress. Anxiety is an emotion that man possesses, to warn him of acute danger. If we experience too much stress, the body will do its harder to ensure that danger stays outside the door. All the processes in the body increase the activities. So we have to work harder, through the heart, the kidneys, the intestines.
We are in a constant state of readiness that we can become to attack, that means danger. The more you feel that your life is no longer under control, the more danger you run. That makes you insecure and anxious, so that you experience even more stress and end up in a vicious circle with yourself.
Maintaining fear in our body is what causes us to become stressed. The present person is not in danger, we think we are in danger. And so we arrive that makes us stressed by our own thinking. We use our intellect the wrong way.
If our thinking starts to work overtime, we are not really focused on what we are doing, then thoughts go in all directions, except for the good side. Then we lose ourselves, with the result that we are stressed.
The solution is to keep focus on what you are doing. Men can do this very well, they do one thing at a time. Women think they can multitask, but no one has succeeded. So keep focus on what you are doing, then reduce the stress and anxiety.
It is time to break a pattern. That everything has to be fast and at the same time. In this way you always have insufficient time and you run after everything, with which you do everything yourself. Breaking the pattern started practicing and yes that is difficult. But you can, if you want. So start foucussing on what your are doing right now.
Focus is always good. This is how you do things one by one with your complete attention. Nobody has become happy about multitasking. You will notice when you get started with this, your life will become a lot quieter and more pleasant. the fear will slowly disappear and for that reason peace will come.
Living from peace gives you strength, but also your health improves. Listening to your body, that has a lot to tell you, but you don’t hear that if you want to do all of it at the same time and don’t want to miss anything. Life is not a circus. You are life and you can live in your body there. Take good care of yourself, by doing everything one by one, you walk past yourself.
As a person you are very capable of ensuring that your engine, which is called stress, functions properly. Beyond yourself, makes a person really sick. And then you get tired, stressed, depressed.
Many are at home, tired, or with a burn out, or with total exhaustion. You can prevent this by keeping the focus on the activity that requires your attention. Talk with a medium who can give you good advise, how to de-stress!