How do I ensure that I’m happy!
Imagine you are not happy. You want things differently. Then you can do things differently, such as, for example, ending your relationship, looking for other work, breaking contact with a friend. This is one way for a chance and find your own happiness.
The other way is: I don’t want to break up my relationship. I start to think differently about it. so I will no longer be irritated by the other person’s behavior. Or, my work doesn’t make me happy and yet I don’t want to leave it, I am going to make something of it, so that I am happy with it again. I don’t want to lose friendship, I step over our disagreement and shed some light on it.
Do you see that you always have two choices, or do something about the situation yourself, or take a different look at the situation and deal with it? If you teach yourself this principle, life suddenly becomes a whole lot easier.
Because every time you don’t feel happy, for whatever reason, your head goes through in a flash. Oh yes or I do something about it, or I change my mind about it. I will change my mind and think about it. Many people get stuck in something, they stay in it too long. Do not make any decisions, but meanwhile are not happy on the couch. Yes, but it’s not me, it’s the other person. I have not argued, I am involved, I do suffer from it.
Just a few examples that someone is not happy with the situation and doesn’t consider themselves. I can do something about it myself or think about it differently. We often only find out over time, if we have been in the way for months. Or, if the other person makes a choice for us and we aren’t happy with that either.
And your clock clicks through, you are not always happy, does not occur to you that you yourself are the one who has everything under control and as long as you give everything away, you are never happy.
You see, suddenly you have another choice. Do nothing and continue to feel miserable, blame your unhappy life with others. Only then will you remain unhappy. Many times better, or tackle the situation and change, or change your mind about it, if you don’t want to get out of the situation. Then you take action yourself and a person always feels best about it.
This way of life naturally gives a lot of peace. It is a matter of doing and applying. Every time again. Making it a kind of game in the beginning, so that you get fun and enjoy it, and then you start to see it as something very ordinary and you see that it is very easy.
In this way you will never again find yourself in situations where others are in charge. Make decisions for yourself. Want to impose their opinion. Because you guard your own happiness.
And you know what’s being so nice. You are not alone, there are online mediums and psychics who are very happy to assist you in applying this principle. They are great at showing you how to do it and what the advantage is.
Try a chat with an online medium or psychic. They know exactly where the shoe pinches in you and they will show you. Then it becomes clear to you and if a person understands something, then he can get started with it.