Chakras The word chakra stands for circle or wheel.
How many chakras we have, some say more than 7, but I show you the 7 most important ones. Online mediums can tell you all about your chakras, if you have blocked them. An online medium can also tell you why you have blocked some of your chakras and how you can open them.
Seven chakras are present in a person.
1. Root chakra, also called the Muladhara. You are connected, stand with both feet on the earth. And you are even able to learn how to ground and ground others. You stand firmly in the ground with your roots. You have self confidence. And if you loose that, insecure, this chakra is blocked.
2. Sacral chakra, also called Svadhistana. This chakra stands for enjoyment. You are able to draw joy from the small things in life, you consciously think about it. You see it and can do something with it. You live in the now from gratitude. If you don’t feel happy, this chakra is blocked, turn it on, feel the joy of life.
3. Solar plexus, also called the Manipura. You have guts, you dare, you live from your own strength. You understand that living from that power, you do that because you love yourself. You have both empathic and impathic capacity. You dare to look inside, and live by it, impathy. You are there for your fellow human beings, when needed and you have the time, the space and the energy for it. Empathy. You appear charismatic to others, everything is in balance. When this chakra is blocked, social contacts are far away and you miss guts.
4. Heart chakra, also called Anahata. You live from your heart, for yourself, for others. But in doing so, you properly guard the love for yourself. Nothing or no one may create an inner conflict for you, then you let go in love, from your heart. You have a grip on yourself and others from your heart perspective. When you have pain, loss of somebody, you blocked this chakra from turning. Then it doesn’t turn for yourself also.
5. Throat chakra, also called Vishudda. You throat symbolizes your speech, the words, that which you utter and that is your truth. You dare to stand for who you are and speak truth. You are a messenger, you can oversee and articulate things, giving others insights. It is the expression of your soul in words and sound. Not finding the right words, getting angry, know you blocked this chakra.
6. The third eye, also called Ajna. The third eye reflects your intuition. If this chakra is open you are able to think creatively, you dare to give your opinion, not afraid that it is not good enough. Your strength is your ally. You live intuitively, that is certain. That’s how you live your life to the fullest. If you don’t feel, you blocked this chakra, you don’t feel intuitive.
7. Crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara. This is the chakra that connects with the higher, the invisible. The invisible gives you a feeling of being, total, connection with yourself and the superior, so that you are able to heal yourself, even though answers sometimes do not exist. You don’t ask yourself questions, it can be there. You let go without having to know the answers. This gives you influence on your future and you have a sense of clear knowing. Blcoking this chakra you miss the higher sens of living in your life.
How do you know if your chakras are turning? If everything runs smoothly, then you can automatically assume that your chakras are rotating and balanced. If you don’t feel comfortable in your skin, if there are circumstances in your life that require energy, it may be that one or more chakras are standing still, they are blocking. Your chakras are connected to your soul and if your soul is in pain, your chakras are in imbalance.
All chakras are connected to each other. If one of them is not running, it immediately has an effect on another chakra. Experience for yourself whether your chakras are all open and spinning. Do you feel that it is not so, then call or chat with an online medium to ask what you can do to open your chakras.